
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
–Arundhati Roy

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
–Albert Einstein

Soul Medicine
As a psychologist, an acupuncturist, a recovery counselor, and a depth coach, the center of my work is the calling of the psyche–the soul–and its embodiment.

The focus of my practice is psychotherapy and depth coaching, drawing on the work of CG Jung, existential psychology, Buddhist and Daoist philosophy, Jewish mysticism, and other spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions, along with my own intuitive awareness and background as a person in recovery. I incorporate acupuncture, qigong, meditation, and other elements of Chinese medicine where appropriate and if desired.

With an emphasis on the dynamics of trauma and intergenerational (generational) trauma, I work with people with emotional, spiritual, interpersonal, and mind-body concerns of all kinds—anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, chronic pain, addiction recovery, sleep and insomnia concerns, degenerative and inflammatory conditions, and many others.

I appreciate working with people who feel stuck—in old patterns, with ailments or symptoms that have not fully responded to other forms of treatment, with concerns related to identity, direction, and life path, or who would like to deepen their spirituality, sense of embodiment, and connection to their own fulfillment and sense of purpose.

I often work with those who are interested in ‘off the beaten path’ perspectives, those for whom more conventional approaches have been insufficient, and those who are seeking the deepest possible healing—the medicine of living fully.

Ultimately, in my experience the deepest healing is available in becoming as fully as possible oneself—in the truest sense of what it means to follow the soul’s path, to align with one’s essential vibration, to live one’s life vibrantly.