It’s not recovery from, it’s recovery of.
–Michael Aanavi, The Trusting Heart
Addiction is more than an illness. It’s a question.
It’s an alarm that offers awakening from a dream.
Recovery is more than behavioral change, spiritual development, relational growth—it’s a calling to embody a fundamental vibrational shift, to align with a frequency that resonates from what we intuitively know is most deeply ourselves. It is a commitment to a spiritual and energetic wavelength from which we have become disconnected or perhaps have never known—but we know it nonetheless.
The first step into this way to recovery is intentional: asking essential questions of our own hearts, becoming willing to listen, and addressing the dynamics of trauma and intergenerational trauma, of ancestral and karmic resonances, of embodied patterns and old narratives.
After more than 35 years of personal recovery from heroin addiction and decades of work in the addiction treatment field, I am here for this—for those who feel ready to make this fundamental shift, whether they are new to recovery or decades into their recovery process.
More on my perspective is available in my book, The Trusting Heart: Addiction, Recovery, and Intergenerational Trauma, as well on Substack and Instagram.
I am available for recovery coaching in person in Anchorage as well as by telehealth (voice or videoconference) anywhere in the US or internationally. For inquiries, please feel free to call or email.